How to delete subject .
Follow the Below steps to delete subject
- Dissociate Course
- Delete Topics.
- Remove faculty.
Dissociate Course
subject deletion process include the dissociation of all courses if associated, To dissociate course :-
- Select the subject
- Select the Course option
- Click on dissociate button before the course name
- Click on "Yes" will dissociate the Course
- Click on "No" Will not dissociate Course
Delete Topics.
Added topic can be deleted by following below mentioned steps:-
1) Right click on red cross symbol .
2) Module will ask whether you want to delete particular topic or not.
3) “YES” option will delete the topic.
4)” NO” option will not perform the deletion opertion.
Remove faculty.
Allocated faculty can be removed are as foll
1)click on cross , on the icon generted before each faculty
2) you will be asked whether remove staff or not
3) Yes option will remove faculty for allocted subject
4) No option will not deallocate staff
Delete subject
After dissociation of course and removing staff and deleting topics from the particular subject You can delete subject by following the below listed steps:-
- Select the subject from subject list,need to be deleted.
- Click on Delete option at the right corner of the window.
- You will receive the notification whether sure you want to delete subject or not.
- Click on "Yes" will delete the subject from list.
- Click on "No" will not delete subject.